Dhokla Recipe – How to Make Dhokla at Home Easily


Dhokla is a popular vegetarian food item that originates from the Indian state of Gujarat. It’s known for its soft, spongy texture and tangy, sweet flavor. This steamed snack is made from a fermented batter derived from rice and chickpeas.

Dhokla Recipe

Dhokla is a popular and savory Indian snack that hails from the western state of Gujarat but is enjoyed throughout India and beyond. It is known for its distinctive spongy texture, mildly tangy flavor, and delightful combination of spices. Dhokla is a versatile dish that can be served as a snack, appetizer, or even a light meal. It is also a favorite at festive gatherings and special occasions.
Servings 4
Prep Time 40 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes


For the Dhokla Batter:

  • 1 cup Gram Flour (Besan)
  • 1 tablespoon Semolina (Suji/Rava) (optional for texture)
  • 1/2 cup Yogurt
  • 1/2 cup Water
  • 1 teaspoon Ginger-Garlic Paste –
  • 1 teaspoon Green Chili Paste
  • 1/4 teaspoon Turmeric Powder
  • 1 tablespoon Lemon Juice
  • 1 tablespoon Sugar
  • to taste Salt
  • 1 teaspoon Eno Fruit Salt (or Baking Soda)

For the Tempering:

  • 1 teaspoon Mustard Seeds
  • 1 teaspoon Sesame Seeds
  • 2-3 Green Chilies slit
  • 5-6 Curry Leaves
  • a pinch Asafoetida (Hing)
  • 1/2 cup Water
  • 1 teaspoon Sugar
  • 2 tablespoons Oil
  • Fresh Coriander Leaves for garnish
  • Grated Coconut for garnish


Prepare the Batter:

  • In a mixing bowl, combine gram flour, semolina, yogurt, water, ginger-garlic paste, green chili paste, turmeric powder, lemon juice, sugar, and salt. Mix well to form a smooth batter without lumps.
  • Allow the batter to ferment for about 30 minutes in a warm place. The batter should be thick yet pourable.

Steam the Dhokla:

  • Grease a steaming tray or a cake tin with a little oil.
  • Just before steaming, add Eno fruit salt or baking soda to the batter and stir gently. You will notice the batter becoming frothy.
  • Immediately pour the batter into the prepared tin.
  • Place the tin in a steamer and steam for about 12-15 minutes. Check doneness by inserting a toothpick; if it comes out clean, the dhokla is cooked.
  • Remove from the steamer and let it cool slightly.

Prepare the Tempering:

  • In a small pan, heat oil. Add mustard seeds and let them pop.
  • Add sesame seeds, slit green chilies, curry leaves, and asafoetida. Sauté for a few seconds.
  • Add water and sugar to the pan and bring to a quick boil, then turn off the heat.
  • Pour this tempering evenly over the steamed dhokla.
    Dhokla recipe

Garnish and Serve:

  • Garnish with chopped coriander leaves and grated coconut.
  • Cut the dhokla into squares and serve.

Tips and Information


Dhokla is a beloved Indian snack known for its delightful spongy texture and mildly tangy flavor. Its versatility, ease of preparation, and appealing taste have made it a favorite in households across India and among food enthusiasts worldwide. Dhokla is not just a snack; it is a culinary tradition that showcases the rich diversity of Indian cuisine.

Tips and Overview

  • Consistency of Batter: The consistency of the batter is key. It should be thick yet pourable to ensure the dhokla rises and becomes fluffy.
  • Fermentation Time: Adequate fermentation time will result in a better rise and spongier texture.
  • Use of Eno: Eno fruit salt helps the dhokla rise and become fluffy. It should be added right before you are ready to steam the dhokla.
  • Steaming Process: Ensure that the steamer is well-heated before placing the batter inside. The steam should be on a high setting for the entire duration.
  • Serving Suggestions: Dhokla can be served with tamarind chutney or mint-coriander chutney as a snack or breakfast.
Calories: 250kcal
Course: Appetizer, Breakfast
Cuisine: Gujarati-Cuisine, Healthy, Indian
Keyword: dhokla, healthy, vegetarian

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