Chicken Hariyali Kebab Recipe – Easily Make Chicken Hariyali Kebab at Home


Dive into the world of succulent Chicken Hariyali Kebabs, where the vibrant green marinade not only tantalizes your taste buds but also elevates the visual appeal of this delightful dish. Bursting with fresh herbs and aromatic spices, these kebabs are a celebration of flavor, tenderness, and a touch of Indian culinary magic.

Chicken Hariyali Kebab Recipe

Chicken Hariyali Kebab is a succulent and aromatic dish that features tender pieces of chicken marinated in a vibrant green mixture made from cilantro (coriander), mint, green chilies, and various spices. The marinated chicken is skewered and grilled or baked, resulting in kebabs with a beautiful green hue and a burst of fresh and herbaceous flavors. This dish is a popular appetizer or snack, perfect for gatherings and special occasions.
Servings 4
Prep Time 2 hours
Cook Time 15 minutes


  • Blender or food processor
  • Mixing bowl
  • Grill or oven


  • 500 G Boneless chicken pieces
  • 1 cup Fresh coriander leaves chopped
  • ½ cup Fresh mint leaves chopped
  • 2-3 Green chilies
  • 1 tablespoon Ginger-garlic paste
  • 2 tablespoons Greek yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon Lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon Garam masala
  • 1 teaspoon Cumin powder
  • 1 teaspoon Coriander powder
  • ½ teaspoon Turmeric powder
  • to taste Salt
  • Cooking oil for grilling
  • Skewers for kebabs


  • Prepare the Marinade: In a blender, combine fresh coriander leaves, mint leaves, green chilies, ginger-garlic paste, Greek yogurt, lemon juice, garam masala, cumin powder, coriander powder, turmeric powder, and salt. Blend until you have a smooth, vibrant green paste.
  • Marinate the Chicken: Cut the chicken into bite-sized pieces. In a mixing bowl, coat the chicken pieces with the prepared green marinade. Cover and let it marinate in the refrigerator for at least 1-2 hours, allowing the flavors to infuse.
  • Skewer the Chicken: Preheat the grill or oven. Thread the marinated chicken pieces onto skewers.
  • Grill the Kebabs: Brush the grill or oven rack with cooking oil to prevent sticking. Grill the chicken kebabs for 15-20 minutes, turning occasionally, until they are fully cooked and have a nice char.
  • Serve Hot: Remove the kebabs from the grill and serve hot with your favorite chutney or dip.

Tips and Information

Chicken Hariyali Kabab
Chicken Hariyali Kabab
In conclusion, Chicken Hariyali Kebabs are a culinary journey into the heart of Indian flavors. With a harmonious blend of fresh herbs and spices, these kebabs are not just a dish; they are an experience. Whether you’re hosting a gathering or simply craving something extraordinary, these kebabs are sure to bring joy to your palate.
Tips and Tricks:
  • Adjust the quantity of green chilies based on your spice preference.
  • For extra tenderness, you can add a tablespoon of cream to the marinade.
  • Soak the skewers in water before threading to prevent them from burning during grilling.
Calories: 200kcal
Course: Appetizer, Snack
Cuisine: Indian
Keyword: Chicken, non vegetarian


Can I use bone-in chicken for this recipe?

Yes, you can use bone-in chicken, but adjust the cooking time accordingly.

What’s a good side dish for Chicken Hariyali Kebabs?

They pair well with mint yogurt chutney or a simple cucumber salad.

Can I bake these kebabs in the oven?

Absolutely! Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C (400°F) for similar results.

Is it possible to freeze the marinated chicken for later use?

Yes, you can freeze the marinated chicken for up to one month.

Can I use regular yogurt instead of Greek yogurt?

Yes, but Greek yogurt provides a thicker consistency.

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